Monday, September 30, 2013


My point of view is that somebody could have done it but nobody did but nobody did what anybody could have done and the overall point in my perspective is that somebody should have just done the job. JUST DO YOUR JOB AND EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT MAN!!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Should schools enable students to use their personal devices sin the classroom?

As a current high school student knowing the way technology is used by teens, certain personal devices should be allowed while others shouldn't. Devices such as laptops, ipads and tablets should be allowed for research uses only. Though it is hard to monitor if they are actually using the devices for proper reasons it will make information more available to students. As far as the use of cell phones go, students should not be allowed to access their phones in class as it causes the students to focus on things irrelevant to whats going on in class.